Upgrading from 8.x to 9.x

League\Csv 9.0 is a new major version that comes with backward compatibility breaks.

This guide will help you migrate from a 8.x version to 9.0. It will only explain backward compatibility breaks, it will not present the new features, (read the documentation for that).


If you are using composer then you should update the require section of your composer.json file.

composer require league/csv:^9.0

This will edit (or create) your composer.json file.

PHP version requirement

League\Csv 9.0 requires a PHP version greater or equal to 7.0.0 (was previously 5.5.0).

The library is not tested on HHVM

The Writer class

Stricter argument type

The Writer::insertOne and Writer::insertAll methods no longer accept a string as possible CSV records.


use League\Csv\Writer;

$writer = Writer::createFromFileObject(new SplTempFileObject());
$str = 'john,doe,john.doe@example.com';


use League\Csv\Reader;
use League\Csv\Writer;

$writer = Writer::createFromFileObject(new SplTempFileObject());
$reader = Reader::createFromString('john,doe,john.doe@example.com');

Reduced method chaining

The Writer::insertOne and Writer::insertAll methods are no longer chainable.


use League\Csv\Writer;

$writer = Writer::createFromFileObject(new SplTempFileObject());
$record = ['john', 'doe', 'john.doe@example.com'];


use League\Csv\Writer;

$writer = Writer::createFromFileObject(new SplTempFileObject());
$record = ['john', 'doe', 'john.doe@example.com'];

Removed methods

  • Writer::removeFormatter
  • Writer::hasFormatter
  • Writer::clearFormatters
  • Writer::removeValidator
  • Writer::hasValidator
  • Writer::clearValidators

Validators and Formatters can only be removed on object destruction.

You can no longer iterate over a Writer class, use the Reader class instead.

The Reader class

Removed methods

  • Reader::each
  • Reader::fetch
  • Reader::fetchAll
  • Reader::fetchAssoc
  • Reader::fetchDelimitersOccurrence
  • Reader::fetchPairsWithoutDuplicates


The Reader::fetchAssoc features are now accessible using the new Reader::getRecords.

You are required to specify the CSV header using Reader::setHeaderOffset.


use League\Csv\Reader;

$reader = Reader::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv', 'r');
foreach ($reader->fetchAssoc() as $records) {
    //The CSV first row is implicitly used as the CSV header
    //and as the index of each found record
    //the CSV header offset is removed from iteration


use League\Csv\Reader;

$reader = Reader::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv', 'r');
$reader->setHeaderOffset(0); //explicitly sets the CSV document header record
foreach ($reader->getRecords() as $records) {
    //The CSV first row is used as the CSV header
    //and as the index of each found record
    //the CSV header offset is removed from iteration

or you can use the optional $header argument from the Reader::getRecords method.


use League\Csv\Reader;

$reader = Reader::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv', 'r');
$records = $reader->fetchAssoc(['firstname', 'lastname', 'email']);


use League\Csv\Reader;

$reader = Reader::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv', 'r');
$records = $reader->getRecords(['firstname', 'lastname', 'email']);

Last but not least if you are using query filters then use the optional $header argument from the Statement::process method.


use League\Csv\Reader;

$reader = Reader::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv', 'r');
$records = $reader
    ->fetchAssoc(['firstname', 'lastname', 'email'])


use League\Csv\Reader;

$reader = Reader::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv', 'r');
$stmt = (new Statement())

$records = $stmt->process($reader, ['firstname', 'lastname', 'email']);

Reader::fetchAll, Reader::fetch, Reader::each

These methods are removed because the Reader and the ResultSet implements the IteratorAggregate interface.


use League\Csv\Reader;

$reader = Reader::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv', 'r');
foreach ($reader->fetchAll() as $key => $value) {
    // do something here


use League\Csv\Reader;

$reader = Reader::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv', 'r');
foreach ($reader as $record) {
    // do something here


use League\Csv\Reader;

$reader = Reader::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv', 'r');

$func = function (array $record) {
    return array_map('strtoupper', $record);

$records = $reader

foreach ($records as $record) {
    // do something here


use League\Csv\Reader;
use League\Csv\Statement;

$reader = Reader::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv', 'r');
$stmt = (new Statement())
$records = $stmt->process($reader);
foreach ($records as $record) {
    $res = array_map('strtoupper', $record);
    // do something here


The Reader::fetchPairsWithoutDuplicates is removed as it is redundant with the fetchPairs method.


use League\Csv\Reader;

$reader = Reader::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv', 'r');
$pairs_without_duplicates = $reader

foreach ($pairs_without_duplicates as $key => $value) {
    // do something here


use League\Csv\Reader;
use League\Csv\Statement;

$reader = Reader::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv', 'r');
$stmt = (new Statement())
$records = $stmt->process($reader);
$pairs_without_duplicates = iterator_to_array($records->fetchPairs(), true);
foreach ($pairs_without_duplicates as $record) {
    // do something here


Use the League\Csv\delimiter_detect function instead with a Reader object.


use League\Csv\Reader;

$reader = Reader::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv', 'r');
$stats = $reader->fetchDelimitersOccurrence([',', ';', "\t"], 10);


use League\Csv\Reader;
use function League\Csv\delimiter_detect;

$reader = Reader::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv', 'r');
$stats = delimiter_detect($reader, [',', ';', "\t"], 10);

Optional callable arguments are removed

The following methods no longer accept an optional callable as argument because they return an iterable object.

  • Reader::fetchColumn
  • Reader::fetchPairs


use League\Csv\Reader;

$reader = Reader::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv', 'r');
$records = $reader->fetchColumn(0, function ($value) {
    return strtoupper($value);


use League\Csv\Reader;

$reader = Reader::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv', 'r');
foreach ($records->fetchColumn(0) as $value) {
    $value = strtoupper($value);

Stream Filtering

Stream support detection

To detect if PHP stream filters are supported you need to call AbstractCsv::supportsStreamFilter


use League\Csv\Writer;

$csv = Writer::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv');
$csv->isActiveStreamFilter(); //true


use League\Csv\Writer;

$csv = Writer::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv');
$csv->supportsStreamFilter(); //true

Stream mode

The filtering mode is fixed and can not be changed:

  • a Writer class will only accept stream filters in writing mode only
  • a Reader class will only accept stream filters in reading mode only

Therefore AbstractCsv::setStreamFilterMode is removed.

To add a stream filter you will only need the AbstractCsv::addStreamFilter method.


use League\Csv\Writer;

$csv = Writer::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv');


use League\Csv\Writer;

$csv = Writer::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv');
//the insertion order has changed

stream filter removal

PHP Stream filters will only be removed on CSV object destruction.


use League\Csv\Writer;

$csv = Writer::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv');


use League\Csv\Writer;

$csv = Writer::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv');
$csv = null;

Conversion methods

All conversion methods are no longer attached to the Reader or the Writer classes, you need a Converter object to convert your CSV. The following methods are removed:

  • Writer::jsonSerialize
  • AbstractCsv::toHTML
  • AbstractCsv::toXML

And you can no longer convert a Writer class.


use League\Csv\Writer;

$csv = Writer::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv');
$dom = $csv->toXML(); //$dom is a DOMDocument


use League\Csv\XMLConverter;
use League\Csv\Reader;

$csv = Reader::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv', 'r');
$dom = (new XMLConverter())->convert($csv); //$dom is a DOMDocument


Switching between connections

  • AbstractCsv::newReader
  • AbstractCsv::newWriter

You can no longer switch between connection. You are required to explicitly load a new Reader and/or Writer object.

Columns consistency Validator

  • League\Csv\Plugin\ColumnConsistencyValidator is renamed League\Csv\ColumnConsistency and is now an immutable object.


use League\Csv\Plugin\ColumnConsistencyValidator;
use League\Csv\Writer;

$validator = new ColumnConsistencyValidator();

$csv = Writer::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv');
$csv->addValidator($validator, 'columns_consistency');


use League\Csv\ColumnConsistency;
use League\Csv\Writer;

$csv = Writer::createFromPath('/path/to/file.csv');
$csv->addValidator(new ColumnConsistency(), 'columns_consistency');