Stream Filters

To ease performing operations on the CSV document as it is being read from or written to, the Reader and Writer objects allow attaching PHP stream filters to them.

Detecting stream filter support

Since version 9.7.0 the detection mechanism is simplified

The following methods are added:

  • supportsStreamFilterOnRead tells whether the stream filter API on reading mode is supported by the CSV object;
  • supportsStreamFilterOnWrite tells whether the stream filter API on writing mode is supported by the CSV object;
public AbstractCsv::supportsStreamFilterOnRead(void): bool
public AbstractCsv::supportsStreamFilterOnWrite(void): bool
use League\Csv\Reader;
use League\Csv\Writer;

$reader = Reader::createFromPath('/path/to/my/file.csv', 'r');
$reader->supportsStreamFilterOnRead(); //returns true
$reader->supportsStreamFilterOnWrite(); //returns false

$writer = Writer::createFromFileObject(new SplTempFileObject());
$writer->supportsStreamFilterOnRead(); //returns false, the API can not be used
$writer->supportsStreamFilterOnWrite(); //returns false, the API can not be used

The following methods still work but are deprecated since version 9.7.0

public AbstractCsv::supportsStreamFilter(void): bool
public AbstractCsv::getStreamFilterMode(void): int

The supportsStreamFilter tells whether the stream filter API is supported by the current object whereas the getStreamFilterMode returns the filter mode used to add new stream filters to the CSV object. The filter mode value is one of the following PHP’s constant:

  • STREAM_FILTER_READ to add stream filter on read
  • STREAM_FILTER_WRITE to add stream filter on write

Regardless of the stream filter API being supported by a specific CSV object, getStreamFilterMode will always return a value.

use League\Csv\Reader;
use League\Csv\Writer;

$reader = Reader::createFromPath('/path/to/my/file.csv', 'r');
$reader->supportsStreamFilter(); //returns true
$reader->getStreamFilterMode(); //returns STREAM_FILTER_READ

$writer = Writer::createFromFileObject(new SplTempFileObject());
$writer->supportsStreamFilter(); //returns false, the API can not be used
$writer->getStreamFilterMode(); //returns STREAM_FILTER_WRITE

A League\Csv\Exception exception will be thrown if you use the API on an object where supportsStreamFilter returns false.

Cheat sheet

Here’s a table to quickly determine if PHP stream filters works depending on how the CSV object was instantiated.

Named constructor supports stream
createFromString true
createFromPath true
createFromStream true
createFromFileObject false

Adding a stream filter

public AbstractCsv::addStreamFilter(string $filtername, mixed $params = null): self
public AbstractCsv::hasStreamFilter(string $filtername): bool

The AbstractCsv::addStreamFilter method adds a stream filter to the connection.

  • The $filtername parameter is a string that represents the filter as registered using php stream_filter_register function or one of PHP internal stream filter.

  • The $params : This filter will be added with the specified parameters to the end of the list.

Each time your call addStreamFilter with the same argument the corresponding filter is registered again.

The AbstractCsv::hasStreamFilter method tells whether a specific stream filter is already attached to the connection.

use League\Csv\Reader;
use MyLib\Transcode;

stream_filter_register('convert.utf8decode', Transcode::class);
// 'MyLib\Transcode' is a class that extends PHP's php_user_filter class

$reader = Reader::createFromPath('/path/to/my/chinese.csv', 'r');
if ($reader->supportsStreamFilterOnRead()) {

$reader->hasStreamFilter('string.toupper'); //returns true
$reader->hasStreamFilter('string.tolower'); //returns false

foreach ($reader as $row) {
    // each row cell now contains strings that have been:
    // first UTF8 decoded and then uppercased

Stream filters removal

Stream filters attached with addStreamFilter are:

  • removed on the CSV object destruction.

Conversely, stream filters added without addStreamFilter are:

  • not detected by the library.
  • not removed on object destruction.
use League\Csv\Reader;
use MyLib\Transcode;

stream_filter_register('convert.utf8decode', Transcode::class);
$fp = fopen('/path/to/my/chines.csv', 'r');
stream_filter_append($fp, 'string.rot13'); //stream filter attached outside of League\Csv
$reader = Reader::createFromStream($fp);
$reader->hasStreamFilter('string.rot13'); //returns false
$reader = null;
// 'string.rot13' is still attached to `$fp`
// filters added using `addStreamFilter` are removed

Bundled stream filters

The library comes bundled with the following stream filters:

  • RFC4180Field stream filter to read or write RFC4180 compliant CSV field;
  • CharsetConverter stream filter to convert your CSV document content using the mbstring extension;
  • SkipBOMSequence stream filter to skip your CSV document BOM sequence if present;