Record to object conversion

New in version 9.12.0

If you are working with a class which implements the TabularDataReader interface you can now deserialize your data using the TabularDataReader::getRecordsAsObject method. The method will convert your document records into objects using PHP’s powerful Reflection API.

Here’s an example using the Reader class which implements the TabularDataReader interface:

use League\Csv\Reader;

$csv = Reader::createFromString($document);
foreach ($csv->getRecordsAsObject(ClimaticRecord::class) as $weather) {
    // each $weather entry will be an instance of the ClimaticRecord class;

In the following sections we will explain the process and how you can control it.

Of note, specifying the header offset is not mandatory for the mechanism to work.


The deserialization process is done in two steps. The first step is decoding your CSV record into a PHP array, this part is already handle by the package. The second step is a denormalization process which will convert your array into an object. This is the part we will focus on. The process is geared toward converting records into DTO or objects without complex logic in their constructors.

The mechanism relies on PHP's Reflection feature. It does not use the class constructor to perform the conversion. This means that if the targeted object contains additional logic in its constructor, the mechanism may either fail or produce unexpected results.

To work as intended the mechanism expects the following:

  • A target class where the array will be denormalized in;
  • information on how to convert cell values into object properties;

As an example throughout the documentation we will assume the following CSV document:


and define a PHP DTO using the following properties.


final class ClimaticRecord
    private ?DateTimeImmutable $date = null,

    public function __construct(
        public readonly Place $place,
        public readonly ?float $temperature,
    ) {

    public function setDate(string $date): void
        $this->date = new DateTimeImmutable($date, new DateTimeZone('Africa/Abidjan'));
    public function getDate(): ?DateTimeImmutable
        return $this->date;

enum Place
    case Yamoussoukro;
    case Abidjan;

To get instances of your object, you now can call TabularDataReader::getRecordsAsObject which returns an Iterator containing only instances of your specified class.

use League\Csv\Reader;

$csv = Reader::createFromString($document);
/** @var ClimaticRecord $instance */
foreach ($csv->getRecordsAsObject(ClimaticRecord::class) as $instance) {
    // each $instance entry will be an instance of the ClimaticRecord class;

Defining the mapping rules

By default, the denormalization engine will automatically fill the class public properties and methods using their names. In other words, if there is:

  • a public class property, which name is the same as a record key, the record value will be assigned to that property.
  • or, a public class method, whose name starts with set and ends with the record key with the first character upper-cased, the record value will be assigned to the method first argument.

The autodiscovery feature works out of the box with public properties or arguments typed with one of the following type:

  • a scalar type (string, int, float, bool)
  • null
  • any Enum (backed or not)
  • DateTimeInterface implementing class.
  • an array

the nullable aspect of the property is also automatically handled.

Before version 9.17.0 the cell value must be a string or null for the feature to work. Starting with version 9.17.0, the value can also be of the expected type for the property.

Improving field mapping

If the autodiscovery feature is not enough, you can complete the conversion using PHP attributes: The following attributes are supported:

  • the League\Csv\Serializer\MapCell
  • the League\Csv\Serializer\MapRecord
  • the League\Csv\Serializer\AfterMapping (deprecated in 9.17.0)

The AfterMapping attribute is added in version 9.13.0 and deprecated in version 9.17.0

The MapRecord attribute is added in version 9.17.0

Here’s an example of how the League\Csv\Serializer\MapCell attribute works:

use League\Csv\Serializer;
use Carbon\CarbonImmutable;

    column: 'date',
    cast: Serializer\CastToDate::class,
    options: [
        'format' => '!Y-m-d',
        'timezone' => 'Africa/Nairobi'
    convertEmptyStringToNull: false,
private CarbonImmutable $observedOn;

The above rule can be translated in plain English like this:

Convert the value of the associative array whose key is date into a CarbonImmutable object using the CastToDate class with the date format !Y-m-d and the Africa/Nairobi timezone. If the value is the empty string, do not convert it into the null value Once created, inject the instance into the class private property observedOn.

This attribute will override any automatic resolution and enable fine-tuning type casting. It can be used on class properties and methods regardless of their visibility and their type.

The attribute can take up to five (5) arguments which are all optional:

  • The column a string or an integer that tells the engine which record key to use via its offset or key. If not present the property name or the name of the first argument of the setter method will be used. In such case, you are required to specify the property names information.
  • The cast a string which represents the name of a class implementing the TypeCasting interface or an alias and responsible for type casting the record value. If not present, the mechanism will try to resolve the typecasting based on the property or method argument type.
  • The options an associative array to improve typecasting by providing extra options per class/alias. The argument expects an associative array and relies on named arguments to inject its value to the method.
  • The ignore a boolean which control if the property or method should be completely ignored by the mechanism. By default, its value is false. This property takes precedence over all the other properties of the attribute once set to true.
  • The convertEmptyStringToNull a value that can be a boolean or null, which control if empty string should be converted or not into the null value.
  • The trimFieldValueBeforeCasting a value that can be a boolean or null, which control if the string should be trimmed or not before conversion.

You can use the mechanism on a CSV without a header row, but it requires adding a MapCell attribute on each property or method needed for the conversion. Or you can use the optional second argument of TabularDataReader::getRecordsAsObject to specify the header value, just like with TabularDataReader::getRecords

The ignore argument is available since version 9.13.0

convertEmptyStringToNull argument and trimFieldValueBeforeCasting arguments are available since version 9.17.0

In any case, if type casting fails, an exception is thrown.

Since version 9.17.0 the MapRecord attribute can be used to control the full record conversion.

The attribute can take up to three (3) arguments which are all optional:

  • The afterMapping an array containing a list of methods to call after mapping.
  • The convertEmptyStringToNull a value that can be a boolean or null, which control if empty string should be converted or not into the null value. This value is overwritten by the value defined at field level.
  • The trimFieldValueBeforeCasting a value that can be a boolean, which control if the string should be trimmed or not before conversion. This value is overwritten by the value defined at field level.

The convertEmptyStringToNull value override the global settings but is overwritten by the same value defined on the MapCell attribute.

The trimFieldValueBeforeCasting value is overwritten by the same value defined on the MapCell attribute.

Improving object creation

Handling string

The feature is available since version 9.17.0

By default, CSV document only contains value represented by strings. To allow better denormalization you may need to trim the extra whitespace. Since version 9.17.0 the MapCell and the MapRecord attributes expose the following option: trimFieldValueBeforeCasting. By default, and to avoid BC break, their initial value is false. But when set to true, before using the data, the system will remove any whitespace surrounding the property value if it is a string.

$csv = <<<CSV
 23 , foobar  , je suis trop fort

#[Serializer\MapRecord(trimFieldValueBeforeCasting: true)]
final readonly class Item
    public function __construct(
       public int $id,
       public string $title,
       #[Serializer\MapCell(trimFieldValueBeforeCasting: false)]
       public string $description,
    ) {}

$document = Reader::createFromString($csv);
$item = $document->firstAsObject(Item::class);
$item->id = 23;
$item->title = 'foobar'; // the white space has been removed
$item->description = ' je suis trop fort'; // the white space is preserved

Handling the empty string

Out of the box the mechanism converts any empty string value into the null value.

Using Attributes

Starting with version 9.17.0 a granular and robust system is introduced. It is now the recommended way to handle empty string conversion. When in used the new feature override the now deprecated global state mechanism. You can control the conversion at the field or at the record level.

At the field level you need to use newly introduced convertEmptyStringToNull argument.

When the value is set to true, the conversion will happen. If set to false, no conversion will take place. By default, the value is set to null to defer the behaviour settings at the object level.

At the object level you can use the new MapRecord attribute with the same argument and the same possible values. If the value is set to null the behaviour will fall back to the global behaviour to avoid BC break.

#[Serializer\MapRecord(convertEmptyStringToNull: true)]
final readonly class Car
    public function __construct(
        private Wheel $wheel,
        #[Serializer\MapCell(convertEmptyStringToNull: false)]
        private Driver $driver
    ) {}

In the above example, every property will see the empty string being converted to null except for the $driver property.

Using global state

Using the global state is no longer recommended. This feature is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release.

This system rely on two (2) static methods:

  • League\Csv\Serializer\Denormalizer::allowEmptyStringAsNull
  • League\Csv\Serializer\Denormalizer::disallowEmptyStringAsNull

When called these methods will change the behaviour when it comes to handling empty string. Denormalizer::allowEmptyStringAsNull will convert any empty string into the null value before typecasting whereas Denormalizer::disallowEmptyStringAsNull will preserve the value.

Using these methods will affect the results of all conversion throughout your codebase.

use League\Csv\Reader;
use League\Csv\Serializer\Denormalizer;

$csv = Reader::createFromString($document);
foreach ($csv->getRecordsAsObject(ClimaticRecord::class) {
    // the first record contains an empty string for temperature
    // it is converted into the null value and handle by the
    // default conversion type casting;


foreach ($csv->getRecordsAsObject(ClimaticRecord::class) {   
    // a TypeCastingFailed exception is thrown because we
    // can not convert the empty string into a valid
    // temperature property value
    // which expects `null` or a non-empty string.

Post Mapping

The feature is available since version 9.13.0

The MapRecord attribute is added in 9.17.0 and should be used instead of the deprecated AfterMapping attribute.

Because we are not using the object constructor method, we need a way to work around that limitation and tagging one or more methods that should be called after all mapping is done to return a valid object. Tagging is made using the League\Csv\Serializer\MapRecord attribute.

use League\Csv\Serializer;

final class ClimateRecord
    public function __construct(
        public readonly Place $place,
        public readonly ?float $temperature,
        public readonly ?DateTimeImmutable $date,
    ) {

    protected function validate(): void
        //further validation on your object
        //or any other post construction methods
        //that is needed to be called

In the above example, the validate method will be call once all the properties have been set but before the object is returned. You can specify as many methods belonging to the class as you want regardless of their visibility by adding them to the array. The methods will be called in the order they have been declared.

If the method does not exist or requires explicit arguments an exception will be thrown.

Deprecated attribute

The League\Csv\Serializer\AfterMapping attribute is deprecated in favor of the League\Csv\Serializer\MapRecord attribute. If both attributes are used simultaneously, the content of the AfterMapping attribute will be ignored.

The example is left for reference.

use League\Csv\Serializer;

final class ClimateRecord
    public function __construct(
        public readonly Place $place,
        public readonly ?float $temperature,
        public readonly ?DateTimeImmutable $date,
    ) {

    protected function validate(): void
        //further validation on your object
        //or any other post construction methods
        //that is needed to be called

Type casting

The library comes bundled with seven (7) type casting classes which relies on the property type information. They all support nullable, mixed as well as non-typed properties.

  • They will return null or a specified default value, if the cell value is null and the type is nullable
  • If the value can not be cast they will throw an exception.

For scalar conversion, type casting is done using PHP’s ext-filter extension.

Untyped properties are considered as being mixed type.

They are all registered by default, hence, you do not need to specify them using the cast property of the MapCell attribute unless you are using them on untyped or mixed property where using cast is mandatory


Converts the array value to a string or null depending on the property type information. The class takes one optional argument default which is the default value to return if the value is null.

use League\Csv\Serializer\MapCell;

#[MapCell(options: ['default' => 'Kouyaté'])]
private ?string $firstname;

By default, this class is also responsible for automatically typecasting mixed typed properties.

Since the class is used by default you do not need to specify it via the cast property.


Converts the array value to true, false or null depending on the property type information. The class takes one optional argument default which is the default boolean value to return if the value is null.

Since typecasting relies on ext-filter rules, the following strings 1, true, on and yes will all be cast in a case-insensitive way to true otherwise false will be used.

use League\Csv\Serializer\MapCell;

#[MapCell(options: ['default' => false])]
private ?bool $isValid;

This class is also responsible for automatically typecasting true and false typed properties.

CastToInt and CastToFloat

Converts the array value to an int or a float depending on the property type information. The class takes one optional argument default which is the default int or float value to return if the value is null.

use League\Csv\Serializer\CastToInt;
use League\Csv\Serializer\MapCell;

#[MapCell(cast:CastToInt::class, options: ['default' => 42])]
private mixed $answerId;

#[MapCell(options: ['default' => 15.8])]
private ?float $temperature;

When used with the mixed type or with an untyped property you are required to specify to casting class otherwise the conversion will use the CastToString class instead.


Convert the array value to a PHP Enum, it supports both unit and backed enumeration. The class takes two (2) optionals arguments:

  • default which is the default Enum value to return if the value is null.
  • className which is the Enum to use for resolution if the property or method argument is untyped or typed as mixed.

If the Enum is backed the cell value will be considered as one of the Enum value; otherwise it will be used as one the Enum name. The same logic applies for the default value. If the default value is not null and the value given is incorrect, the mechanism will throw an exception.

use League\Csv\Serializer\CastToEnum;
use League\Csv\Serializer\MapCell;

    column: 1,                // specify the record value via its offset
    cast: CastToEnum::class,  // explicitly specified because the argument is mixed
    options: ['default' => 'Abidjan', 'className' => Place::class]
public function setPlace(mixed $place): void
    //apply the method logic whatever that is!
    //knowing that $place will be a Place enum instance

convert the value of the array whose key is 1 into a Place Enum if the value is null resolve the string Abidjan to Place::Abidjan. Once created, call the method setPlace with the created Place enum filling the $place argument.

Using this class with a mixed type without providing the className parameter will trigger an exception.


Converts the cell value into a PHP DateTimeInterface implementing object. You can optionally specify:

  • the date format via the format argument
  • the date timezone if needed via the timezone argument
  • the default which is the default value to return if the value is null; should be null or a parsable date time string
  • the className the class to use if the property is typed mixed or any class that extends DateTimeInterface.

If the property is typed with:

  • mixed or the DateTimeInterface, a DateTimeImmutable instance will be used if the className argument is not given.
  • an interface that extends DateTimInterface, the className argument MUST be given.
use League\Csv\Serializer;
use Carbon\CarbonImmutable;
use Carbon\CarbonInterface;

    options: [
        'className' => CarbonImmutable::class //must be specified because CarbonInterface is an interface
private CarbonInterface $observedOn;

Whenever the className argument is required but is invalid or missing an exception will be thrown.


Converts the value into a PHP array. You are required to specify the array shape for the conversion to happen. The class provides three (3) shapes:

  • list converts the string using PHP explode function by default the separator option is ,;
  • csv converts the string using CSV Reader class with its default delimiter and enclosure options, the escape character is not available as its usage is not recommended to improve interoperability;
  • json converts the string using PHP json_decode function with its default options;

The following are examples for each shape expected string value:

$array['list'] = "1,2,3,4";         //the string contains only a delimiter (shape list)
$array['csv'] = '"1","2","3","4"';  //the string contains delimiter and enclosure (shape csv)
$array['json'] = '{"foo":"bar"}';   //the string is a json string (shape json)

Here’s an example for casting a string via the json shape.

use League\Csv\Serializer;

    options: [
        'shape' => 'json',
        'flags' => JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING
private array $data;

In the above example, the array has a JSON value associated with the key data and the Denormalizer will convert the JSON string into an array and use the JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING option of the json_decode function.

If you use the array shape list or csv you can also typecast the array content using the optional type argument as shown below.

use League\Csv\Serializer;

    options: [
        'shape' => 'csv',
        'delimiter' => ';',
        'headerOffset' => 0,
        'type' => 'float',
public function setData(array $data): void;

If the conversion succeeds, then the property will be set with an array of float values. The type option only supports scalar type (string, int, float and bool)

Starting with version 9.17.0, when using the `list` or `csv` shape you can further trim whitespace before converting the data for each array element using the trimElementValueBeforeCasting option.

Starting with version 9.17.0, when the `csv` shape is used the casted array will always represent a collection of array.

use League\Csv\Serializer;

#[Serializer\MapCell(options: ['trimElementValueBeforeCasting' => true])]
public function setData(array $data): void;

//with the following input
$stringWithSpace = 'foo , bar, baz ';
//will be converted to if you specify it
['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
// by default if you do not specify the new attribute the conversion will be
['foo ', ' bar', ' baz ']

Extending Type Casting capabilities

Three (3) mechanisms to extend typecasting are provided. Of course, you are free to choose the mechanism of your choice depending on your use case.

Registering a type using a callback

You can register a callback using the Denormalizer class to convert a specific type. The type can be any built-in type or a specific class. Once registered, the type will be automatically resolved using your callback even during autodiscovery.

use App\Domain\Money\Naira;
use League\Csv\Serializer;

$castToNaira = function (mixed $value, bool $isNullable, int $default = null): ?Naira {
    if (null === $value && $isNullable) {
        if (null !== $default) {
            return Naira::fromKobos($default);

        return null;

    return Naira::fromKobos(filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT));

Serializer\Denormalizer::registerType(Naira::class, $castToNaira);

The Denormalizer will automatically call the callback for any App\Domain\Money\Naira conversion. You can also use the MapCell attribute to further control the conversion

To do so specify your casting with the attribute:

use App\Domain\Money
use League\Csv\Serializer;

#[Serializer\MapCell(column: 'amount', options: ['default' => 1000_00])]
private ?Naira $amount;

No need to specify the cast argument as the callback is registered.

Using the callback mechanism you can redefine how to typecast to integer.

use League\Csv\Serializer;

Serializer\Denormalizer::registerType('int', fn (?string $value): int => 42);

The callback takes precedence over the built-in CastToInt class to convert to the int type during autodiscovery. You can still use the CastToInt class, but you are now require to explicitly declare it via the MapCell attribute using the cast argument.

The callback signature is the following:

Closure(?string $value, bool $isNullable, ...$options): mixed;


  • the $value is the record value
  • the $isNullable tells whether the argument or property is nullable
  • the $options are the extra configuration options you can pass to the MapCell attribute via options

To complete the feature you can use:

  • Denormalizer::unregisterType to remove a registered callback for a specific type
  • Denormalizer::unregisterAllTypes to remove all registered callbacks for all types.
  • Denormalizer::types to list all registered callbacks for all types. new in 9.14.0
use League\Csv\Serializer;


The three (3) methods are static.

the callback mechanism does not support IntersectionType

Registering a type alias using a callback

new in version 9.13.0

If you want to provide alternative way to convert your string into a specific type you can instead register an alias. Contrary to registering a type an alias :

  • is not available during autodiscovery and needs to be specified using the MapCell attribute cast argument.
  • does not take precedence over a type definition.

Registering an alias is similar to registering a type via callback:

use League\Csv\Serializer;

Serializer\Denormalizer::registerAlias('@forty-two', 'int', fn (mixed $value): int => 42);

The excepted callback argument follow the same signature and will be called exactly the same as with a type callback.

The alias must start with an @ character and contain alphanumeric (letters, numbers, regardless of case) plus underscore (_).

Once generated you can use it as shown below:

use App\Domain\Money
use League\Csv\Serializer;

#[Serializer\MapCell(column: 'amount', cast: '@forty-two')]
private ?int $amount;

It is possible to:

  • unregister a specific alias using the Denormalizer::unregisterAlias method
  • unregister all aliases using the Denormalizer::unregisterAliases method
  • list all registered aliases using the Denormalizer::aliases method. The method returns an array with the alias as key and the type it is attached to as value.
use League\Csv\Serializer;


If needed, can use the Denormalizer::unregisterAll to unregister all callbacks (alias and types)

Implementing a TypeCasting class

If you need to support Intersection type you need to provide your own class to typecast the value according to your own rules. Since the class is not registered by default:

  • you must configure its usage via the MapCell attribute cast argument
  • it won’t be available during autodiscovery.
use App\Domain\Money\Naira;
use League\Csv\Serializer;

    column: 'amount',
    cast: App\Domain\Money\CastToNaira::class,
    options: ['default' => 20_00]
private ?Money $naira;

The CastToNaira will convert the cell value into a Naria object and if the value is null, 20_00 will be used. To allow your object to cast the cell value to your liking it needs to implement the TypeCasting interface.



namespace App\Domain\Money;

use League\Csv\Serializer\MappingFailed;
use League\Csv\Serializer\TypeCasting;
use League\Csv\Serializer\TypeCastingFailed;

 * @implements TypeCasting<Naira|null>
final class CastToNaira implements TypeCasting
    public function __construct(
        ReflectionProperty|ReflectionParameter $reflectionProperty, //always given by the Denormalizer
    ) {
        // It is recommended to handle the $reflectionProperty argument.
        // The argument gives you access to property/argument information.
        // it allows validating that the argument does support your casting
        // it allows adding support to union, intersection or unnamed type 
        // it tells whether the property/argument is nullable or not.
        // in case of error you should throw a MappingFailed exception

    public function setOptions(
        mixed ...$options //will be filled via the MapCell options array destructuring
    ): void {
        // in case of error you should throw a MappingFailed exception

    public function toVariable(mixed $value): ?Naira
        //convert the Cell value into the expected type
        // in case of error you should throw a TypeCastingFailed exception

While the built-in TypeCasting classes do not support Intersection Type, your own implementing class can support them via inspection of the $reflectionProperty argument.

Don't hesitate to check the repository code source to see how each default TypeCasting classes are implemented for reference.

Using the feature without a TabularDataReader

The feature can be used outside the package default usage via the Denormalizer class.

The class exposes four (4) methods to ease array to object denormalization:

  • Denormalizer::denormalizeAll and Denormalizer::assignAll to convert a collection of records into a collection of instances of a specified class.
  • Denormalizer::denormalize and Denormalizer::assign to convert a single record into a new instance of the specified class.

Since we are not leveraging the TabularDataReader feature we must explicitly tell the class how to link array keys to class properties and/or methods. Once instantiated you can reuse the instance to independently convert a single or a collection of similar array.

use League\Csv\Serializer\Denormalizer;

$record = [
    'date' => '2023-10-30',
    'temperature' => '-1.5',
    'place' => 'Yamoussoukro',

//a complete collection of records as shown below
$collection = [$record];
//we first instantiate the denormalizer
//and we provide the information to map record key to the class properties
$denormalizer = new Denormalizer(ClimaticRecord::class, ['date', 'temperature', 'place']);
$weather = $denormalizer->denormalize($record); //we convert 1 record into 1 instance

foreach ($denormalizer->denormalizeAll($collection) as $weather) {
    // each $weather entry will be an instance of the ClimaticRecord class;

To complete the feature two (2) static methods are provided if you only need denormalization once. Denormalizer::assign will automatically use the array keys as property names whereas, you still need to give the property list to Denormalizer::assignAll to allow the class to work with any given iterable structure of array.

// you can use the alternate syntactic sugar methods 
// if you only need to use the mechanism once
$weather = Denormalizer::assign(ClimaticRecord::class, $record);

foreach (Denormalizer::assignAll(ClimaticRecord::class, $collection, ['date', 'temperature', 'place']) as $weather) {
    // each $weather entry will be an instance of the ClimaticRecord class;

Every rule and setting explain will apply to Denormalizer usage.