

This is the documentation for the unsupported version 7.0. Please consider upgrading your code to the latest stable version

Converting the CSV

the League\Csv object can convert your CSV document into JSON, XML and HTML format. In order to do so, the conversion methods assume that your CSV is UTF-8 encoded. To properly transcode your document into an UTF-8 compatible charset the recommended way is to use the library stream filtering mechanism.

When this is not possible/applicable you can fallback to using the setEncodingFrom and getEncodingFrom methods.

If your CSV is not UTF-8 encoded some unexpected results and some errors could be thrown when trying to convert your data.

Starting with version 7.0, when used with the League\Csv\Reader class, the conversion methods behavior are affected by the query options methods. Please refer to the Query Filters page for more information and examples.

Starting with version 7.1, query filters are also available for conversion methods when using the League\Csv\Writer class

Convert to JSON format

Use the json_encode function directly on the instantiated object.

echo json_encode($reader);

Convert to XML

Use the toXML method to convert the CSV data into a DomDocument object. This method accepts 3 optionals arguments to help you customize the XML tree:

$dom = $reader->toXML('data', 'line', 'item');

Convert to HTML table

Use the toHTML method to convert the CSV data into an HTML table. This method accepts an optional argument $classname to help you customize the table rendering, by default the classname given to the table is table-csv-data.

echo $reader->toHTML('table table-bordered table-hover');

Example using data transcode before conversion

$reader = Reader::createFromFileObject(new SplFileObject('/path/to/bengali.csv'));
//we are using the setEncodingFrom method to transcode the CSV into UTF-8
echo json_encode($reader);
//the CSV is transcoded from iso-8859-15 to UTF-8
//before being converted to JSON format;
echo $reader; //outputting the data is not affected by the conversion